


新澳彩资料 学术报告六十八:Metal halide perovskites for solar cells and LEDs

发表于: 2023-11-24 09:56 点击:152

报告主题:Metal halide perovskites for solar cells and LEDs


时 间:2023年11月24日(周五)下午3:30点

地 点:新澳彩资料 守璞楼536会议厅


高峰,瑞典林雪平大学教授、博士生导师。2004年和2007年南京大学物理系获得学士和硕士学位,2011年剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室获得博士学位。随后加入瑞典林雪平大学,先后任职玛丽居里博后研究员(2013)、助理教授 (2015)、副教授 (2017) 和教授 (2020)。高峰教授的研究兴趣为可溶液加工的光电器件及机理,主要基于有机和钙钛矿半导体材料。相关工作作为通讯作者发表在Science,Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Photonics, Nature Energy, Nature Electronics等杂志。获得瑞典及欧盟的多项人才计划支持,包括瑞典战略研究基金会的Future Research Leader,瑞典瓦伦堡基金资助、瑞典皇家科学院评选的Wallenberg Academy Fellow,以及欧洲研究理事会的ERC Grants (StartingGrant 2016, Consolidator Grant 2021)。作为首席科学家主持瑞典瓦伦堡基金的重点前沿科学项目。2020年因在太阳能电池和发光二极管领域的机理研究获得瑞典皇家科学院颁发的Tage ErlanderPrize。


Forperovskite solar cells (PSCs),spiro-OMeTAD has been very important to deliver devices with record efficiencies. Spiro-OMeTAD is conventionally doped by hygroscopic lithium salts with the assistance of volatile 4-tert-butylpyridine, which, however, brings a time-consuming doping process as well as poor device stability. We successfully develop an instantly efficient and clean doping strategy to replace the conventional spiro-OMeTAD doping. Spiro-OMeTAD based on our new doping strategy enables PSCs with a high power conversion efficiency over 25% and an excellent stability against moisture, heat and illumination. Our findings pave the way for achieving PSCs with high efficiencies and excellent stability at the same time.

For perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs), additives have been frequently employed to improve the device performance. We thoroughly investigate the roles of the additives in passivating perovskites, manipulating the crystal growth and enhancing the device stability. We further find that our high-performance devices can work efficiently in an emitting/detector switchable mode, with tens-megahertz speed for both functions. We also demonstrate the potential of the dual-functional diode for biomedicine diagnosis applications (as a monolithic heart pulse sensor) and for inter- and intra-chip bidirectional optical communications。




地点 新澳彩资料 守璞楼536会议厅 时间 2023年11月24日
时分 15点30 星期 周五

深圳市南山区学苑大道1066号B2栋 邮编:518071 

粤ICP备11018045号-7 版权所有:新澳彩资料库 - 专业彩票信息与精准预测

