


新澳彩资料 学术报告六十:Towards a next-generation predictive paradigm for hydrogen embrittlement

发表于: 2024-11-14 15:23 点击:

报告主题:Towards a next-generation predictive paradigm for hydrogen embrittlement

报告嘉宾:Zhiliang Zhang(教授,挪威科技大学纳米力学实验室主任)

时 间:2024年11月19日(周二)上午10点

地 点:新澳彩资料 537会议厅


张志良,江苏宜兴人,同济大学土木工程本科(1985)和硕士(1988),芬兰拉彭兰塔理工大学机械工程博士(1994)。曾任挪威SINTEF材料技术所资深研究员(1994-2003),哈佛大学访问学者(2000-2001),现为挪威科技大学终身教授(2003-),并于2006年独立创建了挪威科技大学纳米力学实验室。曾任北京科技大学*奖励计划讲座教授(2008-2011),并于2009年当选为挪威技术科学院院士。自2010年至2022年,担任欧洲结构完整性协会(ESIS)执委,并于2011年任京都大学JSPS访问教授。2014年,担任第20届欧洲断裂大会主席。其后曾任加州理工学院访问教授(2017-2018),自2022年起担任断裂力学领域的主刊《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》国际期刊主编,并将于2024至2025年担任日本九州大学访问教授。因其在断裂力学和氢脆模拟方面的杰出贡献,张教授于2024年荣获欧洲结构完整性协会颁发的Griffith Medal奖。他已培养了60余名博士生及博士后。长期致力于断裂力学、损伤力学、纳米力学理论及其在能源工业中的应用,材料测试新方法,氢脆多尺度模拟及物理预测模型,以及基于断裂力学原理的防疏冰表面涂层设计等研究。


Hydrogen is a versatile and clean energy carrier with great potential to shape a near-zero emissions future. As the smallest atom, however, hydrogen can interact with metal surfaces, diffuse through the bulk, and become trapped at various microstructure features, leading to the degradation of mechanical properties. Manifested as hydrogen-induced ductile-to-brittle transition, hydrogen embrittlement(HE) poses a serious threat to the integrity of hydrogen energy systems. Despite over a century of research, predictive models have not achieved the same richness as experimental findings. Mechanism-based HE predictive models are crucial for designing hydrogen-resistant materials and assessing the integrity of existing ones.

This talk will first review the current predictive approaches and pinpoint their key limitations, including a lack of connection to microstructure and limited transferability beyond laboratory settings. We will then introduce our recent efforts towards a next-generation HE predictive paradigm that for the first time, brittle and ductile failures will be unified within a self-consistent, void-based framework. This approach marks a clear departure from current approaches, enabling mechanism-based assessments of safe operating conditions and the optimization of microstructures for enhanced hydrogen resistance.




撰稿:张晓颖、刘静 审核:王东、王雷

地点 新澳彩资料 守璞楼537会议厅 时间 2024年11月19日
时分 10点 星期 周二

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