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新澳彩资料库 教授,理学博士,硕士生导师。长期从事纳米材料开发与应用,目前研究工作主要集中于气体传感器、紫外探测器领域;曾主持国家、省、市等多项项目,以第一发明人身份获授权专利3项,已发表学术研究论文100余篇。
(1) 气体传感器。合成各种金属半导体材料、先进二维材料,构筑气体传感器;针对各种有毒、有害气体进行气体敏感性能测试,并探讨其气体敏感机制;为气体传感器的应用提供坚实基础。
(2) 紫外探测器。制备ZnO基纳米棒阵列材料,针对日盲紫外波段电磁波进行有效紫外性能探测,并分析其深层次探测机理;为紫外探测器的现实应用提供实验、理论依据。
1. Ming Fang*, Biao Wang, Guanhua Wan, Hui Cao, Chunfeng Wang, Peijiang Cao, Shun Han, Deliang Zhu, Wenjun Liu*. “Boosted scavenger-free photocatalytic H2O2 production over alkali-doped poly(heptazine imide) under controlled solution conditions”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 494, 152969 (2024).
2. Sachin T. Navale, Xing Gao Gui, Peijiang Cao, Nirav Joshi, Florian J. Stadler*, Sang Sub Kim*, Hyoun Woo Kim*. “Morphology engineering of hierarchical spinal nickel-cobaltite nanostructures for enhanced ethanol detection”. Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, 34, 100981 (2023).
3. Huawei Lin, Qin Su, Ruixi Mao, Qian Cheng, Deliang Zhu*, Shun Han, Ming Fang, Wenjun Liu, Peijiang Cao, Youming Lu, and Dnyandeo Pawar*. “Nanoscale-Thick aGa2O3 Films on GaN for High-Performance SelfPowered Ultraviolet Photodetectors”. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6, 15445-15454 (2023).
4. Daoqin Wang, Zongjin Jiang, Linhan Li, Deliang Zhu*, Chunfeng Wang*, Shun Han, Ming Fang, Xinke Liu, Wenjun Liu, Peijiang Cao and Youming Lu. “High-Performance Thin-Film Transistors with ZnO:H/ZnO Double Active Layers Fabricated at Room Temperature”. Nanomaterials, 13, 1422 (2023).
5. PeiJiang Cao, YongZhi Cai, Dnyandeo Pawar*, Shun Han, WangYin Xu, Ming Fang, XinKe Liu, YuXiang Zeng, WenJun Liu, YouMing Lu, DeLiang Zhu*. “Au@ZnO/rGO nanocomposite based ultra-low detection limit, highly sensitive and selective NO2 gas sensor”. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10(11), 4295-4305 (2022).
6. P.J. Cao, R.G. Chen, Y.Z. Cai, D. Pawar*, Ch.N. Rao, S. Han, W.Y. Xu, M. Fang, X.K. Liu, Y.X. Zeng, W.J. Liu, D.L. Zhu, Y.M. Lu*.“Ultra-high sensitive and ultra-low NO2 detection at low-temperature based on ultrathin In2O3 nanosheets”. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32(14), 19487-19498 (2021).
7. P.J. Cao, X.G. Gui, D. Pawar*, S. Han, W.Y. Xu, M. Fang, X.K. Liu, Y.X. Zeng, W.J. Liu, D.L. Zhu, Y.M. Lu*. “Highly ordered mesoporous V2O5 nanospheres utilized chemiresistive sensors for selective detection of xylene”. Mater. Sci. Eng. B 265, 115031 (2021).
8. Ch.N. Rao, D. Pawar, U.T. Nakate, R. Aepuru, X.G. Gui, R.V. Mangalaraja, S.N. Kale, E.K. Suh, W.J. Liu, D.L. Zhu, Y.M. Lu, P.J. Cao*. “Electric field controlled near-infrared high-speed electro-optic switching modulator integrated with 2D MgO”. Opt. Lett. 45(16), 4611-4614 (2020).
9. P.J. Cao, Y.Z. Cai, D. Pawar*, S.T. Navale, Ch.N. Rao, S. Han, W.Y. Xu, M. Fang, X.K. Liu, Y.X. Zeng, W.J. Liu, D.L. Zhu, Y.M. Lu*. “Down to ppb level NO2 detection by ZnO/rGO heterojunction based chemiresistive sensors”. Chem. Eng. J. 401, 125491 (2020).
10. P.J. Cao, Q.G. Huang, S.T. Navale*, M. Fang, X.K. Liu, Y.X. Zeng, W.J. Liu, F.J. Stadler, Y.M. Lu*. “Integration of mesoporous ZnO and Au@ZnO nanospheres into sensing device for the ultrasensitive CH3COCH3 detection down to ppb levels”. Appl. Surf. Sci. 518, 146223 (2020).
11. D. Pawar*, R. Kanawade, A. Kumar, Ch.N. Rao, P.J. Cao*, S. Gaware, D. Late, S.N. Kale, S.T. Navale, W.J. Liu, D.L. Zhu, Y.M. Lu, R.K. Sinha. “High-Performance Dual Cavity-Interferometric Volatile Gas Sensor Utilizing Graphene/PMMA Nanocomposite”. Sens. Actuators B 312, 127921 (2020).
12. P.J. Cao, X.G. Gui, S.T. Navale*, S. Han, W.Y. Xu, M. Fang, X.K. Liu, Y.X. Zeng, W.J. Liu, D.L. Zhu, F.J. Stadler, Y.M. Lu*. “Design of flower-like V2O5 hierarchical nanostructures by hydrothermal strategy for the selective and sensitive detection of xylene”. J. Alloy Compd. 815, 152378 (2020).
13.P.J. Cao, Q. Wang, C.N. Rao, S. Han, W.Y. Xu, M. Fang, X.K. Liu, Y.X. Zeng, W.J. Liu, D.L. Zhu, Y.M. Lu*. “Solar-blind photodetector with lower dark current and higher Ilight/Idark ratio based on Mg0.38Zn0.62O film deposited by PLD method”. J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 20(4), 2550-2557 (2020).
14. P.J. Cao, M. Li, C.N. Rao, S. Han, W.Y. Xu, M. Fang, X.K. Liu, Y.X. Zeng, W.J. Liu, D.L. Zhu, Y.M. Lu*. “High sensitivity NO2 gas sensor based on 3D WO3 microflowers assembled by numerous nanoplates”. J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 20(3), 1790-1798 (2020).
15. Ch.N. Rao, X.G. Gui, D. Pawar, Q.G. Huang, C. Beera, P.J. Cao*, W.J. Liu, D.L. Zhu, Y.M. Lu*. “Magneto-optical fiber sensor based on Fabry-Perot interferometer with perovskite magnetic material”. J Magn. Magn. Mater. 499, 166298 (2020).
16. M. Fang, D. Han, W.B. Xu, Y. Shen, Y.M. Lu, P.J. Cao, S. Han, W.Y. Xu, D.L. Zhu, W.J. Liu*, J. C. Ho*. “Surface-Guided Formation of Amorphous Mixed-Metal Oxyhydroxides on Ultrathin MnO2 Nanosheet Arrays for Efficient Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution”. Adv. Energy Mater. 2001059 (2020).
17. Radhamanohar Aepuru*, Ch.N. Rao*, R. Udayabhaskar, Divya Vennu, Vishwajit M. Gaikwad, Viresh Kumar, H.S. Panda, Pablo Aqueveque, Peijiang Cao, and Ramalinga Viswanathan Mangalaraja*. “Polarization-induced quantum-mechanical charge transfer in perovskite–graphene nanocomposites with superior electro-optic switching modulation”. J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 26648-26658 (2020).
18. P. Cao, Z. Yang, S.T. Navale*, S. Han, X. Liu, W. Liu, Y. Lu, F.J. Stadler, D. Zhu*. “Ethanol Sensing Behavior of Pd-nanoparticles Decorated ZnO-nanorod Based Chemiresistive Gas Sensors”. Sens. Actuators B 298, 126850 (2019).
19. P.J. Cao, Z.B. Yang, C.N. Rao*, S. Han, W.Y. Xu, M. Fang, X.K. Liu, F. Jia, Y.X. Zeng, W.J. Liu, D.L. Zhu, Y.M. Lu*. “Field emission properties of molybdenum nanoparticles decorated ZnO nanorod arrays”. J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 19(12), 8135-8142 (2019).
20. C.N. Rao, P. Dua, P. Kuchhal, Y.M. Lu, S.N. Kale*, P.J. Cao*. “Enhanced sensitivity of magneto-optical sensor using defect induced perovskite metal oxide nanomaterial”. J. Alloy Compd. 797, 896-901 (2019).
21. S.T. Navale, Q. Huang, P. Cao, V.B. Patil, F.J. Stadler*. “C2H5OH sensing properties of solid-state mediated BiOBr nanoplates”. Sens. Actuators B 300, 126987 (2019).
22. Q.G. Huang, S.T. Navale, P.J. Cao*, S. Han, X.K. Liu, W.J. Liu, W.Y. Xu, D.L. Zhu, F.J. Stadler, Y.M. Lu*. “Ultra-sensitive C2H5OH sensing properties of template-free solvothermal-processed hierarchical ZnO nanospheres”. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Lett. 10(12), 1651-1661 (2018).
23. S.T. Navale, Z.B. Yang, Chenshitao Liu, P.J. Cao, V.B. Patil, N.S. Ramgir, R.S. Mane, F.J. Stadler*. “Enhanced acetone sensing properties of titanium dioxide nanoparticles with a sub-ppm detection limit”. Sens. Actuators B 255(2), 1701-1710 (2018).
1. 深圳市高等院校稳定支持计划项目 (pn 结型核壳异质结纳米颗粒材料构筑的微米球气敏性能研究,20220809152330002,29万元,2022.10.01~2024.09.30,在研).
2. 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目 (单一立方相MgxZn1-xO纳米棒垂直阵列的可控生长及其全日盲波段紫外探测器的应用研究,11774241,62万元,2018.01~2021.12,已结题).
3. 横向项目 (一种气体传感器气敏材料,2022068,10万元,2022.01~2023.12,在研).
4. 深圳市科技计划项目 (贵金属表面修饰ZnO纳米线垂直阵列薄膜型气敏传感器制备及其气敏性研究,JCYJ20150324141711655,30万元,2015.09.30~2017.09.30,已结题).
5. 横向项目 (高质量石墨烯不同基底的制备和光学性质的测试,6万元,2014.04-2017.03,已结题).
6. 广东省自然科学基金项目 (氮化碳薄膜的相结构与相转变研究,04300875,2万元,2005.01-2006.12,已结题)
7. 深圳市科技计划项目 (超硬氮化碳涂层材料的研制,200501,15万元,2006.01-2008.12,已结题)