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刘一 副教授 (Prof. Yi Liu)
ORCiD: //orcid.org/0000-0001-9510-9559
至今已在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Sci., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Aggregate等SCI收录期刊发表论文近40篇,已授权中国发明专利两项,美国发明专利各一项。其中以第一作者在化学领域顶级期刊J. Am. Chem. Soc.上发表论文两篇,以通讯作者在Angew Chem上发表论文1篇。相关工作被《Chemistry World》专题报道。现论文总被引用次数2400余次,其中论文单篇引用最高达540次。
2012.06-2017.06 德国马克斯普朗克高分子研究所 理学博士 合成化学课题组(导师:Klaus Müllen教授)
2009.09-2012.03 浙江大学 工学硕士 高分子科学与工程系 (导师:唐本忠院士、孙景志教授)
2006.09-2009.06 浙江大学 辅 修 竺可桢学院 工程教育高级班
2005.09-2009.06 浙江大学 工学学士 高分子材料与工程系
2022.07-至今 新澳彩资料库 长聘副教授
2017.09-2022.07 新澳彩资料库
E-mail:[email protected]
一直招收博士后和硕士研究生,欢迎具备有机合成、高分子化学、有机光电材料、多孔材料等相关研究背景或兴趣的博士生或本科生申请,请发送简历至[email protected]。
2020届:林发旭(中山大学 读博)
2021届:冯阳 (药明康德)
2024届:李逸凡(华为)、刘胜 (深圳迪道微)
2022年:李阳 (鲁东大学 化学与材料科学学院)
2023年:陈维本 (烟台先进材料与绿色制造山东省实验室)
After joining SZU
(25)Junhao Liang, Shiwei Fu, Qi Wu, Pengbo Wang, Xiaoqing Liu,* Lei Wang and Yi Liu,* Stimuli-responsive chiral aggregation-induced emission luminogens and their circularly polarized luminescence, Journal of Material Chemistry C 2024, Accepted. (中科院大类二区、影响因子:5.7)
(24)Yifan Li. Junhao Liang, Shiwei Fu, Haoxin Huang, Sheng Liu, Lei Wang and Yi Liu,* Full-color-tunable chiral aggregation-induced emission fluorophores with tailored propeller chirality and their circularly polarized luminescence, Aggregate, 2024, e613. (中科院大类一区、影响因子:18.8)
(23)Xiaoli Yan, Jie Chen, Xi Su, Jingwen Zhang, Chuanzhe Wang, Hanwen Zhang, Yi Liu,* Lei Wang, Gang Xu,* Long Chen* Redox Synergy: Enhancing Gas Sensing Stability in 2D Conjugated Metal–Organic Frameworks via Balancing Metal Node and Ligand Reactivity, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, e202408189. (中科院大类一区、影响因子:16.6)
(22)Yi Liu*†, Peng Lei†, Yang Feng, Shiwei Fu, Xiaoqing Liu, Siqi Zhang, Bin Tu, Chen Chen, Yifan Li, Lei Wang, Qing-Dao Zeng*, Topologically engineering of π-conjugated macrocycles: Tunable emission and photochemical reaction toward multi-cyclic polymers, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2024, 109571. (中科院大类一区、影响因子:9.1)
(21)Sheng Liu, Xiaoqing Liu, Yifan Li, Junhao Liang, Shiwei Fu, Lei Wang and Yi Liu,*, TPE[2]arenes: Luminescent macrocyclic arenes with aggregation-induced emission and Al3+ detection, Dyes and Pigments, 2024, 225, 2979-2986. (中科院大类三区,小类一区、影响因子:4.5)
(20)Xindong Liu, Peng Lei, Xiaoqing Liu*, Yifan Li, Yitong Wang, Lei Wang, Qing-Dao Zeng, Yi Liu,* From luminescent π-conjugated macrocycles to bridged multi-cyclic π-conjugated polymers: cyclic topology, aggregation-induced emission, and explosive sensing, Polymer Chemistry, 2023, 14, 2979-2986. (中科院大类二区、影响因子:4.6)
(19)Xindong Liu, Yitong Wang, Xiaoqing Liu, Sheng Liu, Yifan Li, Lei Wang and Yi Liu,* Dendritic polyphenylene AIEgens: fluorescent detection of explosives and stimulus-responsive luminescence, Polymer Chemistry, 2022, 13, 6197-6204. (中科院大类二区、影响因子:5.364)
(18)Peng Lei, Yang Feng, Ting Meng, Yufei Zhang, Xunwen Xiao, Ke Deng,* Yi Liu,* Qingdao Zeng*, Effects of functional groups and side chains on assembly of “X”-shaped new aggregation-induced emission molecules, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 623, 238-246. (中科院大类一区、影响因子:9.965)
(17)Yitong Wang, Xiaoqing Liu, Hongkun Li, Xindong Liu, Lei Wang, Yi Liu*, Chiral macrocyclic AIEgens from BINOL and tetraphenylethene via tailoring chirality of luminescent molecular propellers, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 10.1002/cjoc.202200243. (中科院大类二区、影响因子:5.56)
(16)Yang Li, Xiaoyu Song, Guang Zhang, Lei Wang, Yi Liu,* Weihua Chen, Long Chen*, 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks Toward Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution, ChemSusChem 2022, e202200901.(中科院大类一区、影响因子:9.14)
(15)Weiben Chen, Pei Chen, Dan Chen, Yi Liu,* Guang Zhang, Lei Wang, Long Chen*, Triangular Topological 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks Constructed via Symmetric or Asymmetric “Two-in-One” Type Monomers, Advanced Science 2022, 9, 2105517.(中科院大类一区、影响因子:17.52)
(14)Yang Li, Xiaoyu Song, Guang Zhang, Weihua Chen, Lei Wang, Yi Liu,* Long Chen*, Cobalt sandwich complex-based covalent organic frameworks for chemical fixation of CO2. Science China Materials, 2022, 65, 1377–1382.(中科院大类一区、影响因子:8.64)
(13)Jinwu Peng, Xianzhu Fu, Jingli Luo, Yi Liu,* Lei Wang,* Xiaojun Peng, Constructing novel cross-linked polybenzimidazole network for high-performance high-temperature proton exchange membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 643, 120037. (中科院大类一区、影响因子:10.53)
(12)Yang Li, Zunzhi Wang, Mengwei Li, Feiyi Chen, Yang Zhao, Qi Wang, Fanli Lu,Yi Liu,* Xiang-Kui Ren,* and Long Chen*, Columnar Liquid Crystalline Corannulenes - Synthesis, Assembly and Charge-Carrier Transport Properties. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2021, 39, 3354—3358. (中科院大类二区、影响因子:5.56)
(11)Chen Chen, Yang Feng, Peng Wang, Siqi Zhang, Bin Tu, Yi Liu,*Wubiao Duan,* and Qingdao Zeng* π‑Conjugated Macrocycle Host−Guest Coassembly with C60 on HOPG. Langmuir, 2021, 37, 7486−7491.(中科院大类三区,影响因子:4.331)
(10)Zhibo Zhang, Xiaoqing Liu, Yang Feng, Zhen-Qiang Yu, Lei Wang, Xiang-kui Ren,* Yi Liu* Aggregation-mediated photo-responsive luminescence of cyano-stilbene based cruciform AIEgens. Journal of Material Chemistry C. 2021, 9, 975.(中科院大类二区,影响因子:8.067)
(9)Faxu Lin, Yi Liu,* Zhibo Zhang, Yang Feng, Zhen-QiangYu, Lei Wang* Katritzky salt fluorophores: Facile synthesis, bright solidstate emission, and mechanochromic luminescence. Dyes and Pigments. 2021, 186, 108977. (中科院大类二区,影响因子:5.122)
(8)Houbo Zhou, Xinxin Li, Chunmei Gao,Fan Yang, Xinyue Ye, Yi Liu,* Lei Wang* The ameliorative thermoelectric performance induced by heteroatom for dithiophene cyclopentadiene-based polymers and carbon nanotubes composite films. Composites Science and Technology, 2021, 201, 108518. (中科院大类一区,影响因子:9.879)
(7)Liping Hao, Jiayuan Kang, Jiale Shi, Jinjia Xu, Jianyun Cao, Lei Wang, Yi Liu,* Chengjun Pan* Enhanced thermoelectric performance of poly(3-substituted thiophene)/single-walled carbon nanotube composites via polar side chain modification. Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 199, 108359. (中科院大类一区,影响因子:9.879)
(6)Yue Wu, Li Hong You, Zhen-Qiang Yu*, Jia-Hui Wang, Zhengong Meng, Yi Liu, Xin-Shun Li, Kuo Fu, Xiang-Kui Ren*, Ben Zhong Tang* Rational Design of Circularly Polarized Luminescent Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens (AIEgens): Promoting the Dissymmetry Factor and Emission Efficiency Synchronously. ACS Materials Letter. 2020, 2, 5, 505-510.(影响因子:11.17)
(5)Faxu Lin,Yang Feng, Xiaoqing Liu, Lei Wang, Zhen-Qiang Yu,Yi Liu,* From simple Katritzky salts to AIEgens: mechanochromic luminescence and heparin detection. Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2020, 4, 1492-1499.(中科院大类二区,影响因子:8.683)
(4)Zhengong Meng, Kuo Fu, Yang Zhao, Yanfeng Zhang, Zhuoxun Wei, Yi Liu, Xiang-Kui Ren, Zhen-Qiang Yu* Aggregation-induced red-shifted emission and fluorescent patterning of poly(aryleneethynylene) with a lateral AIEgen substituent. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2020, 8, 1010-1016.(中科院大类二区,影响因子:8.067)
(3)Yi Liu,*(#)Faxu Lin,(#) Yang Feng, Xiaoqing Liu, Lei Wang, Zhen-Qiang Yu,* Benzhong Tang*. Shape-persistent conjugated macrocycles with aggregation-induced emission property: synthesis, mechanofluorochromism, and mercury(II) detection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019, 11, 37, 34232-34240. (# contribute equally)(中科院大类一区、影响因子:10.383)
(2)Li Wang, Zairan Liu,Yi Liu,* Lei Wang*. Crosslinked polybenzimidazole containing branching structure with no sacrifice of effective N-H sites: towards high-performance high-temperature proton exchange membranes for fuel cells. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 583, 110-117.(中科院大类一区、影响因子:10.53)
(1)Yi Liu, Li Hong You, Faxu Lin, Kuo Fu, Wang Zhang Yuan,* Er-Qiang Chen, Zhen-Qiang Yu,* Ben Zhong Tang*. Highly Efficient Luminescent Liquid Crystal with Aggregation Induced Energy Transfer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019, 11(3), 3516–3523.(中科院大类一区、影响因子:10.383)
Before SZU
(1)Y. Liu, A. Narita, J. Teyssandier, M. Wagner, S. de Feyter, X. Feng,* K. Müllen*. A Shape-Persistent Polyphenylene Spoked Wheel. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2016, 138, 15539–15542. (Highlighted by Chemistry World of RSC)
(2)Y. Liu, C. Deng, L. Tang, A. Qin, R. Hu, J. Z. Sun,* B. Z. Tang*. Specific Detection of D-Glucose by a Tetraphenylethene-Based Fluorescent Sensor. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011,133, 660–663. (被引用371次)
(3)Y. Liu#, T. Marszalek#, K. Müllen, W. Pisula,* X. Feng*. Derivatizing Tribenzothiophene Fused Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes with Tunable Optoelectronic Properties. Chem Asian J.2016,15, 2107-2112. (# contribute equally)
(4)Y. Liu, A. Qin,* X. Chen, X. Shen, L. Tong, R. Hu, J. Sun, B. Z. Tang*. Specific Recognition of β-Cyclodextrin by a Tetraphenylethene Luminogen via Cooperative Boronic Acid/Diol Interaction. Chem. Eur. J.,2011,17, 14736-14740.
(5)Sebastian Scherb, Antoine Hinaut,* Rémy Pawlak, J. G. Vilhena,* Yi Liu, Sara Freund, Zhao Liu, Xinliang Feng, Klaus Müllen, Thilo Glatzel, Akimitsu Narita & Ernst Meyer.* Giant thermal expansion of a two-dimensional supramolecular network triggered by alkyl chain motion. Commun Mater 2020, 1, 8, //doi.org/10.1038/s43246-020-0009-2
(6)M. Gobbi, S. Bonacchi, J. Lian,Y. Liu, X, Wang, M.-A. Stoeckel, G. Davino, A. Narita, K. Müllen, X. Feng, Y. Olivier, D. Beljonne, E. Orgiu,* P. Samorì*. Periodic potentials in hybrid van der Waals heterostructures formed by supramolecular lattices on graphene. Nat. Commun,2017,8, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14767.
(7)Z. Xia, F. Leonardi, M. Gobbi,Y. Liu, V. Bellani, A. Liscio, A. Kovtun, R. Li, X. Feng, E. Orgiu, P. Samori, E. Treossi, V. Palermo*. Electrochemical Functionalization of Graphene at the Nanoscale with Self-assembling Diazonium Salts. ACS Nano,2016,10, 7125-7134.
(8)Y. Tan, S. Osella,Y. Liu, B. Yang, D. Beljonne, X. Feng,* K. Müllen*. Sulfur-Annulated Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene Decorated with Phenylthio Groups at the Periphery. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2015,54, 2927 –2931.
(9)X. Chen, X. Shen, E. Guan,Y. Liu, A. Qin, J. Sun,* B. Z. Tang.* A pyridinyl-Functionalized Tetraphenylethylene Fluorogen for Specific Sensing of Trivalent Cations. Chem. Commun.,2013,49, 1503–1505.
(10)X. Shen, Y. Wang, E. Zhao, W. Yuan,Y. Liu, P. Lu, A. Qin, Y. Ma, J. Sun,* B. Z. Tang*. Effects of Substitution with Donor−Acceptor Groups on the Properties of Tetraphenylethene Trimer: Aggregation-Induced Emission, Solvatochromism, and Mechanochromism. J. Phys. Chem. C,2013,117, 7334−7347.
(11)R. Hu, J. W. Y. Lam,Y. Liu, X. Zhang, B. Z. Tang*. Aggregation-Induced Emission of Tetraphenylene-Haxphenylbenene Adducts: Effects of Twisting Amplitude and Steric Hindrance on Light Emission of Nonplanar Fluorogens. Chem. Eur. J.,2013,19, 5617-5624.
(12)Q. Zhao, S. Zhang,Y. Liu, J. Mei, S. Chen, P. Lu, A. Qin, Y. Ma, J. Sun,* B. Z. Tang*. Tetraphenylethenyl-Modified Perylene Bisimide: Aggregation-Induced Red Emission, Electrochemical Property and Ordered Microstructures. J. Mate. Chem.,2012,22, 7387–7394.
(13)Q. Zhao, K. Li, S. Chen, A. Qin, D. Ding, S. Zhang,Y. Liu,B. Liu, J. Sun,* B. Z. Tang*. Aggregation-Induced Red-NIR Emission Organic Nanoparticles as Effective and Photostable Fluorescent Probes for Bioimaging. J. Mate. Chem.,2012,22, 15128–15135.
(14)X. Shen, W. Yuan,Y. Liu, Q. Zhao, P. Lu, Y. Ma, I. D. Williams, A. Qin, J. Sun,* B. Z. Tang*. Fumaronitrile-Based Fluorogen: Red to Near-Infrared Fluorescence, Aggregation- Induced Emission, Solvatochromism, and Twisted Intramolecular Charge Transfer. J. Phys. Chem. C,2012,116, 10541−10547.
(15)J. Jin, X. Chen,Y. Liu, A. Qin, J. Sun,* B. Z. Tang*. Detection of ct-DNA with Water Soluble Tetraphenylethene-Based Fluorescent Probe. Acta Polymerica Sinica,2011,7, 1079-1085.
(3)刘一,林发旭,余振强,一种吡啶盐荧光探针及制备方法与应用,中国发明专利,ZL 2019 1 0634764.9。
(1)Benzhong Tang,Yi Liu, Jinzhi Sun, Anjun Qin, Rongrong Hu. Specific Detection of D-Glucose by a Tetraphenylethene-Based Fluorescent Sensor. US Patent, 9,051,598 B2, 2015.
(5)广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金——面上项目,基于聚集诱导发光分子的多孔发光液晶材 料的构建与应用,2021/01-2023/12,10万。(已结题)
(1) 深圳大学新引进教师科研启动项目,2018/01-2019/12, 6万元,主持。(已结题)