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吕有明(Lu Youming),吉林长春人,新澳彩资料库 教授,工学博士,博士生导师,新型半导体光电子材料学科方向负责人;中国物理学会发光委员会委员、《发光学报》编辑委员会委员;东北师范大学物理学院兼职教授,深圳市真空薄膜常务理事,九三学社社员。
邮箱:[email protected],[email protected]; 电话:0755-26534023
1981.09-1985.07: 吉林大学电子科学学院半导体物理与器件专业,理学学士
2007.11-现在:新澳彩资料库 ,教授,博士生导师
1. 氧化锌基半导体发光材料与器件
2. 日盲紫外光电探测材料及器件
3. 氧化物半导体透明电子学材料与器件
4. 纳米半导体材料的制备及其光电器件
主持科研项目 :
1. 国家、省部级项目
(1) 广东省自然科学基金项目(2016A030313060)《增强型氧化锌异质结高迁移率场效应晶体管的研究》, 10万,2016.06-2019.06,负责人。
(2) 国家自然科学基金课题(60976036)《ZnO基新型异质结发光器件设计、制备及其应用研究》,36万,2010.1-2012.12,负责人。
(3) ”十一五““973”项目(2006CB604906)课题《ZnO基异质结构材料生长和光学、电学性质剪裁》,100万,2006.9-2011.8,负责人。
(4) 广东省自然科学基金项目(815186001000009)《氧化锌基日盲紫外光电材料制备及探测器的研究》,5万,2008.7-2009.12,负责人。
(5) 中国科学院重要方向研究项目(Y2006001)课题《输运特性、p-型掺杂及其结型器件的研究》,80万,2007.1-2010.12,负责人。
(6) 国家自然科学基金课题(10674133)《ZnO/MgZnO量子阱结构中激子特性及激光发射过程研究》,36万,2007.1-2009.12,负责人。
2. 深圳市科技计划项目
(1) 深圳市基础研究计划项目(JCYJ20140418095735601)《ZnO基异质结构中二维电子气特性及应用的研究》,35万元,2014.7-2017.12,负责人。
(2) 深圳市重点实验室提升项目(XCL201110066)《ZnO基半导体功能材料与应用研究》,100万,2012.03-2015.03,负责人。
(3) 深圳市基础研究计划重点项目(JC201005250043A)《立方MgZnO日盲紫外探测材料的制备与器件研究》,20万,2011.03-2014.03,负责人。
(4) 深圳市产学研科技合作项目(Y2005002)《柔性高阻ZnO:Al透明导电薄膜的制备与应用的研究》,30万,2009.1-2011.12,负责人。
1. 发表论文:
(1) S. Han, S.M. Liu, Y.M. Lu*, P.J. Cao, W.J. Liu, Y.X. Zeng, F. Jia, X. Liu, D.L. Zhu, “High performance solar-blind ultraviolet photo detector based on mixed-phase MgZnO thin film with different interfaces deposited by PLD method,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol, 694, pp. 168-174, 2017.
(2) S. Han, S. M. Liu, W. J. Liu, P. J. Cao, Y. M. Lu*, Y. X. Zeng, F. Jia, X. Liu, D. L. Zhu, and S. C. Su, “Effect of Substrate Surface Atom Constitution and The Migration Characteristics of Reactive Atoms on Crystal Structure of MgxZn1−xO Thin Films Deposited by PLD Method,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 120, pp. 12568-12577, 2016.
(3) X.Liu, Y.Lu*, W. Yu, J. Wu, J. He, D. Tang, Z. Liu, P. S/O Somasuntharam,D. Zhu, W. Liu, P. Cao, S. Han, S. Chen, and L. S. Tan, “AlGaN/GaN Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor High-Electron-Mobility Transistor with Polarized P(VDF-TrFE) Ferroelectric Polymer Gating,” Scientific Report, 2015,5,14092.
(4) Wenjun Liu, Qiaoling Huang, Tengji Huang, Peijiang Cao, Shun Han, Fang Jia, Deliang Zhu, Xiaocui Ma, and Youming Lu*, “Secondary Growth” in Hydrothermal Synthesis of Aligned ZnO Nanostructures and Its Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2015,15:1-7
(5) S. Han, S. Peng, Y. M. Lu*, P. J. Cao, W. J. Liu, Y. X. Zeng, F. Jia, and D. L. Zhu, UV absorption characteristics and element composition of (200) and (111) orientation cubic MgZnO thin films deposited at different temperature by PLD method, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 29,1-7,2015.
(6) S. Han, Y.K. Shao, Y.M. Lu*, P.J. Cao, W.J. Liu, Y.X. Zeng, F. Jia, D.L. Zhu, Growth of (111) and (2 0 0) orientation cubic MgZnO thin films under different oxygen flow rate by PLD method and its difference in element composition and optical absorption characteristics, Materials Research Bulletin 64, 76–81 ,2015.
(7) S. Han, Y.K. Shao, Y.M. Lu*, P.J. Cao, F. Jia, Y.X. Zeng, W.J. Liu, D.L. Zhu, X.C. Ma, Formation of metastable rock salt ZnO on surface of cubic MgZnO thin films at low temperature by PLD method, Materials Chemistry and Physics 165 (2015) 108e112
(8) X. Liu, J. He, Q. Liu, D. Tang, F. Jia, J. Wen, Y. Lu*, W. Yu*, D. Zhu,W.Liu, P. Cao, S. Han, J. Pan, Z. He, and K.-W. Ang, “Band alignment of HfO2/multilayer MoS2 interface determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: Effect of CHF3 treatment,” Applied Physics Letter, vol. 107, 101601, 2015.
(9) S.Han, Y.K.Shao, Y.M. Lu*, P. J. Cao, F.Jia, Y.X.Zeng, W. J. Liu, D. L. Zhu, X. C. Ma, Effect of different migration energy for reaction atoms on growth orientation and optical absorption characteristics of cubic MgZnO thin films under different pressure by PLD method,Journal of Crystal Growth, 408, 125–128,2014.
(10) X. Liu, M. A. Bhuiyan, P. S/O Somasuntharam, C. B. Soh, Z. Liu, D. Z. Chi,W. Liu, W. Yu, Y. Lu*, L. S. Tan,Y.-C. Yeo, “High Voltage AlGaN/GaN Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor High-Electron Mobility Transistors with Regrown In0.14Ga0.86N Contact Using a Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Compatible Gold-Free Process,” Applied Physics Express, 2014, 7, 126501, 1-4.
(11) Y. M. Lu*, X. P. Li, S. C. Su, P. J. Cao, F. Jia, S. Han, Y. X. Zeng, W. J. Liu and D. L. Zhu,The effect of O2 partial pressure on the photoluminescence of ZnO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition, Journal of Luminescence, 152,254-257,2014
(12) P. J. Cao, S. Han, W. J. Liu, F. Jia, Y. X. Zeng, D. L. Zhu and Y. M. Lu*,Effect of oxygen flowrate on optical and electrical properties in Al doped ZnO thin films,Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials, VOL29, NO6, 336-340, 2014
(13) D.L. Zhu, Q. Wang, S. Han, P.J. Cao, W.J. Liu, F. Jia, Y.X. Zeng, X.C. Ma, Y.M. Lu*,Optimization of process parameters for the electrical properties in Ga-doped ZnO thin films prepared by r.f. magnetron sputtering, Applied Surface Science, 298, 208-213, 2014
(14) P. J. Cao, W. J. Liu, F. Jia, Y. X. Zeng, D. L. Zhu and Y. M. Lu*, Effect of O2 partial pressure on optical and electrical properties in Al doped ZnO thin films, Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials, VOL 29 NO 5,275-280,2014
(15) Y. M. Lu*, X. P. Li, P. J. Cao, S. C. Su, F. Jia, S. Han, W. J. Liu, D. L. Zhu, X. C. Ma, Study of Ultraviolet Emission Spectra in ZnO Thin Films, Journal of Spectroscopy, 2013, 797232,1-7
(16) S. Han, Y.K. Shao, Y.M. Lu*, P.J. Cao, F. Jia, Y.X. Zeng, W.J. Liu, D.L. Zhu, X.C. Ma, Effect of oxygen pressure on preferred deposition orientations and optical properties of cubic MgZnO thin films on amorphous quartz substrate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 559, 2013, 209–213
(17) D. L. Zhu, H. F. Xiang, P. J. Cao, F. Jia, W. J. Liu, S. Han, X. C. Ma, Y. M. Lu*, Influence of H2 introduction on properties in Al-doped ZnO thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering at room temperature, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics December 2012, 10854, 1042-9
(18) Y. M. Lu*,P.J.Cao, W.J.Liu, D.L.Zhu, X.C.Ma, D.Z.Shen, X.W.Fan, Handbook of Zinc Oxide and Related Materials, Taylor and Francis/CRC Press, Optical properties of MgZnO/ZnO heterostructures grown on sapphire substrates by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy, Vol. 2, Chapter9, p217-248, 2012.
(19) S.C.Su, Y.M.Lu*, G.Z.Xing, T.Wu, “Spontaneous and stimulated emission of ZnO/Zn0.85Mg0.15O asymmetric double quantum wells”, Superlattices and Microstructures 2010, 48(5), 485.
(20) S.C. Su, Y.M. Lu*, Z.Z. Zhang, C.X. Shan, B.H. Li, D.Z. Shen, B. Yao, J.Y. Zhang, D.X. Zhao, and X.W. Fan, “Optical Properties of ZnMgO Nanowalls Grown by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2010, 10(3), 1681.
2. 专利情况:
(3)一种氮化镓异质结场效应晶体管,专利权人:深圳大学,发明人:刘新科,何佳铸,刘强,俞文杰,吕有明,陈凌霄,杨育佳, ZL201520678062.8
(4)具有应力结构的二硫化钼薄膜场效应晶体管,专利权人:深圳大学,发明人:刘新科,刘强,何佳铸,俞文杰,韩舜,曹培江,柳文军,曾玉祥,贾芳,朱德亮,吕有明, ZL201520729820.4
(5)一种新型鳍式场效应晶体管,专利权人:深圳大学,发明人:刘新科,何佳铸,刘强, 俞文杰, 吕有明,韩舜,曹培江,柳文军,曾玉祥,贾芳,朱德亮, ZL201520915736.1
(6)一种二硫化钼薄膜的制备方法及二硫化钼薄膜,专利权人:深圳大学,发明人:刘新科, 何佳铸, 吕有明, 韩舜, 曹培江, 柳文军, 曾玉祥, 贾芳, 朱德亮, PCT/CN2015/099600
(7)一种硫化钨薄膜及其制备方法,专利权人:深圳大学,发明人:刘新科、何佳铸、刘强、吕有明、俞文杰、韩舜、曹培江、柳文军、曾玉祥、贾芳、朱德亮, PCT/CN2016/077550
2007 省部级科技进步奖一等奖
2008 广东省“千百十”人才工程省级培养对象
2009 深圳市地方级高层次专业人才
2016 深圳大学领军学者